Summer Reading List | 2018

‘You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book’ – Dr. Seuss

As exams have now finally finished I’m looking forward to those summer days of relaxing in the sun with a good book in hand! I love being a literature student but studying books makes you fall behind on all those other books you’re dying to read. So below is a small list of my top reads for the summer. (Don’t judge me for not having read some of these books).

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A Guide to Procrastination

‘Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday’ – Don Marquis

I have to admit procrastination is both my best friend and enemy when it comes to revision or just getting things done. There are so many distractions that call me to avoid the work I’m supposed to be doing! So below is a guide on how to procrastinate like a pro.

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‘You smile, but you wanna cry. You talk, but you wanna be quiet. You pretend like you’re happy, but you aren’t’ – Unknown

Loneliness. It is something we all experience in our lives. It can be good, it can make you see things differently, you have your own freedom. Don’t get me wrong I like being alone, I like to have the house to myself and do whatever I like. However, the loneliness I have become all too attached to is the sense of feeling alone in a house full of people.

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Writing: Unaccepted Looks

Here is a recent poem that I played around with during this year at university. In the end I decided to not submit this poem in my final portfolio, but I would still like to get it out there in the world as I did quite enjoy writing this. Take a look!

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Bluebells In Bloom

Finally we are getting some sunny weather! This is what spring should be all about, bluebells blooming, sunshine shining, and getting far too scared by bees! I love just going out for unplanned walks, and we found this little gem right by my university. So get out and enjoy that sunshine while it lasts! (I know I’ll be enjoying it a lot more after exams).

Battling Homesickness

So I have just arrived back from being home for the Easter Holidays, and have gone straight into hard revision for my exam this Friday! So I feel like it is only natural to be feeling homesick… homesick from family but also from the bliss of not doing anything! Here is a short video explaining how I kind of deal with homesickness. Be warned: this was a few days before coming back to uni so it’s fair to say that this video gets a bit sad.