Freshers Checklist

‘People who want to appear clever rely on memory. People who want to get things done make lists’ – Peter Mcwilliams

So as results days are looming ever closer and the start of university is drawing ever nearer, I thought I would compile a list of things that every fresher should be taking to university! I wrote this list for my brother as he starts university in the September, so I thought it would be a useful idea to share the list I’ve created for him (as before university started I searched high and low for lists such as this on the web). So check out the list, print it off, check it off and feel free to comment any other things I may have missed off the list.

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My University Regrets

I’ve recently uploaded a video talking about my top 5 University regrets both of first year and second year. This talks about what I regret so that you can make sure that your university experience has no regrets! So give it a watch!

How I Started My Blog

‘And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings’ – Meister Eckhart

So, I’ve been getting a few comments lately asking about how I started my blog and if I have any tips. Therefore, I thought this post was truly due and I thought I would share with you my tips to starting a blog and also the reasoning why I wanted to begin this blog.

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Reasoning to Go Aboad

So I thought I would do another video this time explaining why I wanted to go abroad. On this blog I’ve explained why I chose Denmark and how I narrowed down the possible counties I could study in. However, this video goes into deeper detail as to why I wanted to go abroad in the first place; something I knew I wanted to do before even coming to university. So have a watch!

Social Media Curse

Many people will be heading off to University in the next few months; it is both exciting and scary. You don’t know what to expect or how things are going to turn out. One thing that is for definite: it will change your life. Today, I’m going to write about the curse of social media through this new change in your life. My main piece of advice: don’t fall into the curse of social media.

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Year Abroad Expectations

So I posted a video over on my YouTube channel talking about the things I am looking forward to and the things I’m not so excited for towards my Year Abroad in August! (It’s like so close now! Only next month!) So check out this little video about my year abroad!

Writing: Torn Freedom Puppet

So I thought I would like to share another poem; this one is currently undergoing editing and so it is not a final copy. However, I thought it would be fun to share anyway; any feedback is greatly accepted, so criticize away!

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