Nanowrimo Chapter One

So I’ve been absent from this blog for a while and I’m sorry for that. However, I’ve been far too busy getting prepared and writing for NaNoWriMo! So I thought I would let you have a look over the first chapter. Let me know what you think! Just so you know this has no edits as I’m just powering on through the month!

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Legoland video!

So a few Saturdays ago I went to Legoland Billund, it was an amazing day and so I thought how better yet than to show you what I got up to!

Writing: Ode to You… Friend

So since coming abroad things have been different, including how past friendships have changed and evolved, some are good and some have died away. What better way to express your emotions? Through a poem of course! And if this particular friend is reading this, I hope we can be friends again…

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First Week of Classes

‘Take it all one day at a time and enjoy the journey’ – Kristi Bartlet

I began my new adventure here in Aarhus this week with the start of my classes. I have to admit that they are very different from the classes I am used to in the UK, but am I enjoying them more here than I ever did back home?

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Hej Danmark!

“I could spend my life arriving each evening in a new city” – Bill Bryson

So on Thursday afternoon I arrived in Denmark! Since then it’s been a whirlwind adventure of walking, walking and yes… more walking! But it has been amazing to experience this new city and country; and to begin my life in another country. So lets begin where this all started…

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The Day Before…

‘Pleasure is found first in anticipation, later in memory’ – Gustave Flaubert

So as the title suggests, it’s a day before I head off to Denmark! Which really is scary! So this post serves no real purpose of advice but more of a documentation of how I am feeling in this moment in time. So carry on reading if you are interested in how I am feeling before moving abroad for a WHOLE YEAR! I’m not scared…. I promise.

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Writing: Man’s Novella

I’ve been really enjoying writing poetry at the moment so I thought I would share another poem with you lot! This one uses symbolism and metaphor of cheap tatty books. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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Wonders of Student Discount

‘Save money and money will save you’ – Unknown

As we are quickly approaching the time where new students begin the wonderful world of university, the one thing they look forward to the most is… the student discount! Yes, I thank the many places that offer a student discount and the apps that have hidden benefits to students. So, here I am going to list my tips on getting the best out of your student discount!

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Freshers Checklist

‘People who want to appear clever rely on memory. People who want to get things done make lists’ – Peter Mcwilliams

So as results days are looming ever closer and the start of university is drawing ever nearer, I thought I would compile a list of things that every fresher should be taking to university! I wrote this list for my brother as he starts university in the September, so I thought it would be a useful idea to share the list I’ve created for him (as before university started I searched high and low for lists such as this on the web). So check out the list, print it off, check it off and feel free to comment any other things I may have missed off the list.

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My University Regrets

I’ve recently uploaded a video talking about my top 5 University regrets both of first year and second year. This talks about what I regret so that you can make sure that your university experience has no regrets! So give it a watch!