My Top 10 Books for the Summer

“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them…”

Summer is getting closer so I thought I would share with you my top ten books that I want to read over the coming months!

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Nanowrimo Chapter One

So I’ve been absent from this blog for a while and I’m sorry for that. However, I’ve been far too busy getting prepared and writing for NaNoWriMo! So I thought I would let you have a look over the first chapter. Let me know what you think! Just so you know this has no edits as I’m just powering on through the month!

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Preptober for NaNoWriMo!

Yes. I have decided to ruin any social life I wish to have by participating in NaNoWriMo 2018… I must be crazy! My main reason in doing so is to keep my creative writing juices running whilst on my year abroad.

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Writing: Ode to You… Friend

So since coming abroad things have been different, including how past friendships have changed and evolved, some are good and some have died away. What better way to express your emotions? Through a poem of course! And if this particular friend is reading this, I hope we can be friends again…

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Writing: Man’s Novella

I’ve been really enjoying writing poetry at the moment so I thought I would share another poem with you lot! This one uses symbolism and metaphor of cheap tatty books. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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How I Started My Blog

‘And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings’ – Meister Eckhart

So, I’ve been getting a few comments lately asking about how I started my blog and if I have any tips. Therefore, I thought this post was truly due and I thought I would share with you my tips to starting a blog and also the reasoning why I wanted to begin this blog.

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Writing: Torn Freedom Puppet

So I thought I would like to share another poem; this one is currently undergoing editing and so it is not a final copy. However, I thought it would be fun to share anyway; any feedback is greatly accepted, so criticize away!

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Writing: Forest Light

So, I thought it was about time I shared another poem on this blog. This is a poem I wrote in first year of university, with the task to write a poem about nature. I hope that you all like this poem! 

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REVIEW: Peach by Emma Glass

‘It clings to my tongue, crawls in my mouth, sliding over my teeth, my cheeks, dripping down my throat. I am sick’ – Emma Glass

This is my first review of one of my top summer reading picks. I was so eager to read this book and instantly set my hands upon it as soon as it came through the post. This book is twisted, intense, gripping and occasionally confusing. So read below if you think this is the book for you!

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Writing: Unaccepted Looks

Here is a recent poem that I played around with during this year at university. In the end I decided to not submit this poem in my final portfolio, but I would still like to get it out there in the world as I did quite enjoy writing this. Take a look!

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